About Me
I have moved
I have graduated and this site is no longer maintained. See what I’m up to here.
My PhD Work
I was a PhD student at UC Berkeley advised by Borivoje Nikolic at BWRC and Aspire/Adept. I also work with people affiliated with WiFo/Bliss.
My research involved developing tools and methodologies for the design and verification of custom signal processing hardware, in particular in the context of ultra-reliable low-latency wireless communication. I use and sometimes develop Chisel, a hardware construction language developed at Berkeley, and FIRRTL to write generators for wireless basebands. I’m one of the developers of dsptools, a Chisel library for signal processing. I’ve used these tools for some tapeouts as well as with FPGAs.
Before doing my PhD, I graduated from the University of Michigan in December 2012 with degrees in electrical engineering and computer science. After graduating, I co-op’ed at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory with the Microwave Limb Sounder group working on spectrometers on FPGAs.